I just came to blog about something. Hahah.

Today is the rehearsal for the Prize Presentation Ceremony 2008 on 6th February. We weren’t aware of the awards we were awarded until today.

Somehow, they started off with Top NAPFA female results first for the whole ceremony. And I’m actually that first person. I’m pretty surprised that under the Service Award, Gena and a few other councillors weren’t selected, including me. :X  It’s really quite odd cause people who contributed WAY MORE than the others weren’t selected. Many were surprised.

I was surprised that I got another award! It’s called the 2nd tier scholarship. I received the 1st tier scholarship when I was enrolled into the school. I wonder how much will I receive this time. Hahah. Only a few people receive the 2nd tier scholarship.

Anyway, Matthias, please don’t be too upset by your results and other incidents. I understand that it’s tough, but do hang in there, yeah? Try your best not to let it get to you, okay? (:

lots of love,
jaslyn. (: