I reached the Singapore Zoo corporate office at 08:30 today. Once again, I’m early. The receptionist asked me to sit down and wait. I saw her full uniform when she walked out of the reception desk area. I was thinking, wow, that uniform sure is weird. Who knows, after a while, she handed me a set of uniform with my name tag. That uniform that I was going to wear was actually that weird looking one. :O I sat there and waited until 09:10. As I waited, I was thinking if that job was what I really wanted.

At 09:10, a guy called Zhenhao briefed me on my OJA today. Then, he brought me to the main entrance to meet the other staff. 🙂 They are all very nice! Then this girl called Helena brought me to the locker area and I ironed my uniform and changed.

At the main entrance, I was taught the different tickets they have as well as the memberships. So, there, I started working. There was a girl called Evevlia or something like that. :X They kept saying that she looked so much like me! 

At work, you can chat with the people working with you when there aren’t anyone there. Then you can play with little kids that are hanging around the entrance area. (: And, lunch is provided. Today, we had rice with a big piece of black pepper chicken and vegetables. Lunchtime is an hour.

I was also asked to walk around to do checks on the toilets and other areas to see if it’s acceptable and if there’s anything that’s spoilt. Then I have to conduct surveys on the overall zoo experience as well.

Overall, it was a fun job. 🙂 I think there’s a high chance that I can get the job because everyone gave great feedback which the person who debriefed me said that they are plus-points and he hope to see me again which he’s pretty sure he will. So, I’ll wait for the phone call from them after a week. Till then, I’ll work at Donut Factory for the next few days.